Monitor the health of your organs, your overall energy, as well as nutrition, hormones, and toxins found in your body. Scans also take into account any medications or supplements you may be taking and also recommends those that would be beneficial for your body’s health.
A fantastic way of understanding your body, inside and out. With the Energetic Scan, you can apply bioenergetic principles, energy and practices in just a few minutes to evaluate clients in a new way for emotional factors and hundreds of other areas.
Dr. Robbins will greet you at our office and have you fill out new client paperwork documents. You can prepare these in advance or plan to arrive 15 – 30 minutes before your scheduled appointment.
We offer a free 20-minute Biofeedback consultation! Together we will review the best route based on the origins of why these issues began.
"Growing up I have experienced hay, pollen, and grass allergies. And as every allergy sufferer, I have taken over the counter medications, Doctors prescribed meds, and shots with all the same results: a small relief for a short time. Every year the allergies would be stronger and so would the medications that I would have to take in order to have relief.
I knew with the Bio Energetic Scans that it would help with me body’s ability to fight, but I was not sure if the nasty itchy throat; watery eyes; sneezing my brains out; run down feeling would diminish completely.
I took one treatment with drops, 3 times a day for 4 weeks and I improved by leaps and bounds. I know that my hay fever is almost not noticeable, and the pollen/ grass allergies are minor. All this was made possible through my own body’s natural workings. I wouldn’t want it any other way. I feel that if I continue with the treatment for 3-6 months I would not have any allergies what so ever because of my body’s reaction in the Bio Feed Back Scan reports and of how I feel as a whole. Since I am not one that enjoys feeling like I have the flu for months, every year after year, I will spend my money on something that will evidently fix the problem instead of putting an undersized Band-Aid on any longer.
Signed with confidence,
Jennifer Nichols"
"I have done energy work for 40 years and love ASYRA because it is accurate and painless. I can check remedies with muscle testing [it is just what I needed]. This system helps with heavy metal poisoning, allergies and sensitivities, much faster than any other method I have ever found. The detox protocols are just what my body needs and if they would ever be too strong, they are easily and safely corrected. This confidence means so much as I can concentrate on healing instead of maintaining or just getting better."
You have truly been a blessing. I was a mess when I came in. You ran the full body scan and I was amazed at how accurate it was. The results showed most of the issues I had! I was extremely emotional, with brain fog, and the worst hot flashes ever! As long as I take my drops the hot flashes just don’t exist. I’ve been consistently using the drops for about a year. Thank you so much!
"My husband has struggled with skin problems all of his 70 years. ASYRA was brought to my attention by a friend and we have been getting analysis and balancing remedies for more than two years. The results are magnificent, painless, and affordable.
When his skin was exposed to wind, cold, sunshine, it swelled, pealed, cracked, itched, and was unsightly. The remedies bring fast relief and healing. The analysis addresses the whole body, emotions and environmental conditions. It is amazing in the number of factors that can be addressed and in the order the body needs."
"My son had trouble controlling himself and his temper starting at age 3. He was very impulsive and flew off the handle very easily. He had also started to develop sensory issues. I took him to the doctor many times for behavior and trouble potty training. They were never able to find anything wrong or offer any solutions.
He was getting to the point where he was always angry, his behaviors were effecting other children at preschool, and our entire family was suffering as well. At my wits end I took the advice of a friend and took him to see Dr. Robbins. After a biofeedback scan we were given a list of foods to stay away from and drops. Within a week he was able to control himself and ask for help is something was bothering him. Through the scans we noticed the gluten and wheat kept coming up. We put him on a gluten free diet and he started flourishing (his potty trouble and bed wetting went away as well).
Flash forward a year, and he is doing very well in Kindergarten. He continues to see Dr. Robbins and take drops. He even has drops to take at school if need be. Dr. Robbins was a godsend to my little boy and our entire family!"
© 2023 Big Sky Natural Wellness Clinic, Inc., Dr. Paul E. Robbins BD AD. All rights reserved.
Coming soon to the Houston, TX / Conroe, TX area!