A natural, needleless therapy where points on the outer ear are treated. There are hundreds of points on the ear that are associated with different parts of the body. The outer ear acts like a switchboard to the brain. When a point is treated, it triggers electrical impulses from the ear to the brain, to the specific area of the body being treated. So if you had a hurt ankle, by treating the ‘ankle’ point, it would help alleviate pain.
A gently applied pressure on different areas of the body to increase the flow of cerebrospinal fluid.
A therapy based on the link between the fluid in the head and the sacrum (the base of the lower back) and that the rhythm of the fluid that flows between these areas can be detected like a pulse. The treatment normalizes, balances, and gets rid of blockages in various systems throughout the body. With the blockages removed, the body can function in a healthy manner.
Dr. Robbins will greet you at our office and have you fill out new client paperwork documents. You can prepare these in advance or plan to arrive 10 minutes early.
If it’s your first time with alternative health therapies, we will go over your health history and current issues. Asking questions about when, why, and how the symptoms began. We will also introduce you to our various therapies to make sure your treatment is comfortable and effective.
If you are uncertain which treatment is right for you, we offer a 20-minute free consultation. Come visit us in person at no cost for your first introduction to the clinic.
The physical transformation I have undergone in the past five month is phenomenal! Within the first five days, much of my numbness diminished, joint pain of 25 years was gone, I could stand for more than a minute without feeling faint, my heart palpitations were gone and my blood sugar regulated. The multiple sclerosis is totally under control plus a whole lot more!
The only “side effect” of any of the treatments for MS that Dr. Robbins prescribed was it balances my body as a whole! My mental clarity is vastly improved and my immunity is so much better. I cannot thank you enough,
Lisa Veland
"I just had a wonderful experience at Big Sky Natural Wellness Clinic in Billings Montana with Dr. Paul E Robbins!
The headache was very unpleasant, and ongoing for several days. Nothing helped. I made an
appointment for the 20 minute consultation. I was sold when I heard some of the same things I have heard for years about being healed by a slight adjustment to the body, and the body does the rest. The next morning I got up for the first time since, breaking my back, feeling a bit rested. Then a couple of hours later I noticed that I did not have the headache. What a miracle! Needless to say I signed up for more treatments and hope to get other issues back on track.
Thank you so much Dr. Robbins.
Yours truly,
Jackie Payne
Laurel Montana
My family started seeing Dr. Robbins when my newborn was only two weeks old! She was a breech baby and we looked online for a doctor gentle enough to perform Craniosacral on her. We noticed a difference after the first session. She went from constantly curled up like a cannonball to relaxed enough to swaddle!!
I also love the auricular therapy for my back pain.
Highly recommend!
"I have been exposed to many things during the Vietnam War, including the enemy that should have killed me.
I met Paul Robbins on a day when the pain in my neck was at one of its peak days. We went through the regular appointment and I explained my history, but I still had the pains from a ‘booby trap’ that hit me below the nose and knocked me unconscious. This injury has plagued me for years, interrupting my sleep and interfering with the motion of my neck. I have tried Chiropractic, Cranial Sacral, Massage and a number of others to help with the pain.
Upon ending the regular office visit he asked me to lay down on the examination table for Auricular Therapy, something he does in Montana. The visit took about 45 minutes and when he was done I sat straight up and instantly had no Pain! I turned my head to the right and heard/felt a ‘pop’ in my neck but yet still had no pain!!! Turned the other way and still felt no pain! My neck is back to normal and I can sleep pain free to this day."
[Valente Valenzuela served in Vietnam in the 101st Airborne. He was wounded and received a brass star for his bravery. This injury in conjunction with the stress of the Government trying to deport him, inflamed his pains to the surface that day in the clinic. I was honored to try Auricular Therapy on him.
Instant and full recovery after 43 years is not very common but does happen. We wish him the best in his continued fight to stay in the country, the one he chose to defend. If anyone would like to contact him or his brother they can go to valenzuelabrothers.com. They have a wonderful story to share. Keep up the good work Valente! - Paul E Robbins CBP & Auricular Therapist]
Valente Valenzuela
Dr Paul has worked with my family: husband, two daughters and twin grandkids. We have had him help us with issues such as headaches, muscle tension, hip and back pain. He assisted us with different modalities and we have always had good results.
You can always trust whatever direction of care he suggests.
Dr Robbins is more than a five star. He was able to cure the rotary cuff naturally versus surgery and helped me during a very depressing period of my life. I left the state for a while and when I moved back, I immediately returned to his office to help me recover from my miles of traveling.
The greatest sense of humor, a gentle man and understanding doctor. Great family!
I continue appointments to this day, travelling all the way from north Montana by the Canadian border.
Dr. Robbins cares deeply about helping you. He listens intently and digs deep to find the best course of help to make you feel better. The auricular therapy is amazing and so is the cranial massage. I'm so appreciative of the genuine feeling of wanting to be helped. I definitely would recommend him.
Dr. Robbins' skill as a holistic doctor are second to none. He goes after the root of the pain and doesn't just cover it up with medication. I highly recommend him.
Wish I would have found him sooner!!! I feel the best I’ve felt in too many years.
Dr. Robbins has made a huge positive impact on my life and overall being. He genuinely cares about his patients and strives for nothing less then excellence for us. I was being treated with his Auriculotherapy and Craniosacral Therapy. Between both of these treatments alone, this has reduced my symptoms by over 50%! I didn't even think that was possible when I first met him. He goes above and beyond for every single one of his patients. Dr. Robbins is the light at the end of the tunnel for me. Very grateful for him. Highly recommend Dr.Robbins and his therapy.
© 2023 Big Sky Natural Wellness Clinic, Inc., Dr. Paul E. Robbins BD AD. All rights reserved.
Coming soon to the Houston, TX / Conroe, TX area!