(aka. Auricular Acupuncture)
A therapy where points on the outer ear are treated. There are hundreds of points on the ear that are associated with different parts of the body. The outer ear acts like a switchboard to the brain. When each point on the ear is treated, it triggers electrical impulses from the ear to the brain, and then to the specific area of the body that is being treated. So if you had a hurt ankle, by treating the ‘ankle’ point, it would help alleviate pain.
Uses electrical impulses
Points on the outer ear are treated for whole body wellness
Dr. Robbins uses electro acupunctoscopes
A non-invasive “needleless” practice
"I received 6 sessions of Auricular Therapy from Dr Paul Robbins during the months of Jan – April 2013 to treat for diagnosed PTSD. The treatment was remarkably effective. It provided considerable relief for the following symptoms: anxiety, depression/despair, sleeplessness, difficulty thinking clearly, difficulty processing information and making decisions. The treatment was so effective that I believe these symptoms would have been eliminated entirely had the trauma events not been ongoing. It accomplished more in this brief time than any other treatments I had tried or have tried since."
"I have been exposed to many things during the Vietnam War, including the enemy that should have killed me.
I met Paul Robbins on a day when the pain in my neck was at one of its peak days. We went through the regular appointment and I explained my history with his instructor (Dr. Olivia, my sister) on how she saved my life. But I still had the pains from a ‘booby trap’ that hit me below the nose and knocked me unconscious. This injury has plagued me for years, interrupting my sleep and interfering with the motion of my neck. I have tried Chiropractic, Cranial Sacral, Massage and a number of others to help with the pain.
Upon ending the regular office visit he asked me to lay down on the examination table for Auricular Therapy, something he does in Montana. The visit took about 45 minutes and when he was done I sat straight up and instantly had no Pain! I turned my head to the right and heard/felt a ‘pop’ in my neck but yet still had no pain!!! Turned the other way and still felt no pain! My neck is back to normal and I can sleep pain free to this day."
[Valente Valenzuela served in Vietnam in the 101st Airborne. He was wounded and received a brass star for his bravery. This injury in conjunction with the stress of the Government trying to deport him, inflamed his pains to the surface that day in the clinic. I was honored to try Auricular Therapy on him.
Instant and full recovery after 43 years is not very common but does happen. We wish him the best in his continued fight to stay in the country, the one he chose to defend. If anyone would like to contact him or his brother they can go to valenzuelabrothers.com. They have a wonderful story to share. Keep up the good work Valente! - Paul E Robbins CBP & Auricular Therapist]
Valente Valenzuela
The physical transformation I have undergone in the past five month is phenomenal! Within the first five days, much of my numbness diminished, joint pain of 25 years was gone, I could stand for more than a minute without feeling faint, my heart palpitations were gone and my blood sugar regulated. The multiple sclerosis is totally under control plus a whole lot more!
The only “side effect” of any of the treatments for MS that Dr. Robbins prescribed was it balances my body as a whole! My mental clarity is vastly improved and my immunity is so much better that I have only had one infection in 5 months (when I ran out of the supplement Dr. Robbins recommended!) since I started Dr. Robbins’ treatment plan versus one or two inflections every month!
I cannot thank you enough,
Lisa Veland
© 2023 Big Sky Natural Wellness Clinic, Inc., Dr. Paul E. Robbins BD AD. All rights reserved.
Coming soon to the Houston, TX / Conroe, TX area!